
Factories in the Fields

Factories in the Fields: an Experiment in Agriculture & Rural Industry is the newest permanent exhibition at Arthurdale Heritage, opening in May 2024. Factories in the Fields explores the intersection of subsistence agriculture and rural industry in the Arthurdale community. The exhibition features interactive elements that are fun for all ages as well as two historic CO-OP Tractors manufactured in the 1930s. Funding for this exhibition is generously provided by the West Virginia Humanities Council as well as private donors.


Treasured: Contemporary Reflections of Arthurdale was on view at Arthurdale from December 2022 through January 2023. A digital version of this exhibition is now available online. Treasured showcases exemplary artifacts from our museum collection, several of which have rarely been on public display. Each artifact has been carefully selected to tell the story of Arthurdale, stretching back to 1934. This exhibition interprets these presumably ordinary objects through multiple lenses, challenging visitors to see the connections between the past, present and future of historic Arthurdale.

Read the introduction to the exhibit below then click through the panels and artifact images:

Our lives are filled with ordinary objects, commonplace and unassuming. Used day after day, handled year after year, some become forlorn, fractured, or forgotten. Other items are passed down generation to generation–mother to daughter, father to son. These treasures take on near mythical qualities, cherished and precious in the tapestry of our lives. Their value is rarely monetary, altogether sentimental, and universally understood.

Arthurdale possesses its own distinct trove of treasures. As the nation’s first New Deal homestead community, objects related to Arthurdale hold tremendous national significance. But to their original owners and makers, these items carry a special personal importance. Each piece is interwoven with memories and emotions–some fond, others bittersweet.

Far from irrelevant, historic pieces force us to reflect upon the past, consider the present, and hope for the future. Every item from Arthurdale contributes to a shared patchwork of stories, families, and experiences. But these pieces also remind us of much more than individual places or moments in time. They symbolize decades of hardship overcome by perseverance, despair met with optimism, and ruin transformed by restoration.


Interwoven: the Fiber Arts Legacy of Arthurdale was on view at Arthurdale Heritage from November 2023 to January 2024. Interwoven showcases the exceptional textiles created by Arthurdale homesteaders as well as fiber artists in the region today. Funding for this exhibition is provided by the Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation through the Central Appalachia Living Traditions program.

Interwoven traveled to the Monongalia Arts Center in downtown Morgantown from February to March 2024 as well as the campus of West Virginia University from March to May 2024. We hope to move the exhibition elsewhere in the state in the coming year. Organizations interested in hosting the exhibition should contact our curator Elizabeth Satterfield at elizabeth@arthurdaleheritage.org.


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