Now Streaming: Videos made by West Preston students with the Smithsonian

A few months ago we shared information about a new project we at Arthurdale Heritage were working on in collaboration with West Preston School and the Smithsonian. This program, Coming Home: Stories from Main Street, was created with the goal of engaging rural youth with their communities. Arthurdale was one of only eleven sites in the United States chosen to participate in this program.

AHI staff, Elizabeth Satterfield and Kendyl Bostic, created curricula and visited West Preston several times during the spring semester to work on completing video projects with 3rd-6th grade students. The videos made by our West Preston students are now available to watch on the Smithsonian’s website:

If you have trouble finding the videos at the link above, type “Arthurdale” in the search box to view the five videos our students completed. We are very proud of the work these West Preston students did and intend to adapt the programming we created for use in other educational outreach programs.

We are very thankful to all our donors who help us do work in the community! If you would like to support our educational programming, you can do so via our secure website: or via Facebook. Checks can be sent to AHI, PO Box 850, Arthurdale, WV 26520. You can note that your gift is to support our educational programming. Thank you so much!
