National Register of Historic Places Resurvey

Arthurdale Heritage is in the process of updating the National Register of Historic Places nomination, which was completed in 1989. The boundaries of the historic district will not be changing, but in order to have the most accurate and up-to-date information needed for the state, we will be doing a resurvey of the district.

A survey includes gathering information about the properties within the district, included but not limited to siding material, date of construction, and photos of the structures. This is particularly important for the original homestead houses, but this information will need to be gathered from ALL properties within the historic district.

Arthurdale Heritage, Inc. will be hosting a town hall meeting to discuss the process and answer any questions the community has. If you are unable to make it to the meeting but would like to speed up the process, there is a simple google form that you can fill out at that will provide AHI with the necessary information to update the register.

Want to get more involved in a very important historic research project? There is plenty of need for volunteer help to complete the nomination. Please contact us at if you are interested in volunteering!
