
Becoming a member of Arthurdale Heritage is a great way to show your commitment to historic preservation. Historic sites are being lost across our country every day. Quite often, people do not realize the significance of an historic site or structure until it is too late. Fortunately, here at Arthurdale, we have been able to acquire several properties, including land and structures, of great historic value from the New Deal Era. Now, the properties must be maintained, furnished, refurbished, and sometimes rebuilt. We need your continued support to accomplish these goals.

Membership benefits include:

• Free guided tours

• 10% discount in Craft Shop (must show membership card)

• Discounted classes and programs

• Discount on facility rental

• Invitation to Annual Meeting and Dinner

• Free subscription to AHI e-communication

• Free subscription to quarterly newsletter

• Membership Card

• Arthurdale Heritage Sticker


Arthurdale Heritage needs your help! With your support, we can continue to provide valuable community and educational efforts. We sincerely appreciate any assistance you can provide.