Kees Property, Garden, and Pergola Donations

You make preserving Arthurdale possible and we recently received some wonderful donations that will greatly enhance AHI.

Thelma and Sharon Kees donated the Kees property which includes a house, original barn, and several acres to AHI. The house is Hodgson style, the first type built here, and we are planning on rehabilitating it and using it in several ways. Since it abuts our land behind Center Hall it will help protect the museum grounds so we can preserve our area’s original look.

We also want to thank Victor, Becky, Colton and Tyler Friend for adding another lovely garden project to our grounds plus constructing the new pergola. Once again they are using grant funds that Becky has gotten to benefit us. The Davis family has added to the beauty of the garden by paying for a cedar pergola which will be dedicated to the memory of Tommy Davis at the New Deal Festival.

Plan on coming by soon to admire these great new additions.

Update: AHI would like to thank Victor, Becky, Colton and Tyler Friend for their vision and continued hard work on this project, the Thomas Davis family for donating and staining the pergola, and the Country Kids and Clover Buds 4-H group who planted flowers on June 13, 2011.

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