Help Arthurdale Heritage plan ways to use the historic Arthurdale Schools

Arthurdale Heritage, Inc. is holding two public meetings to ask local residents and entrepreneurs to help plan future uses for the original Arthurdale Schools which are currently empty. The meetings will be held in our Center Hall.

The first gathering is Friday July 23 at 6pm and the second one is Saturday July 24 at 2pm. Light refreshments will be available.

“We are considering three possible areas of expansion – community services, arts & entertainment, and business development” said Jeanne Goodman, executive director. “We are inviting the local community to meet with us, discuss the options, and give us their opinions on using the restored buildings.”

For those who cannot come to one of the meetings, the survey link is This Arthurdale Revitalization project is funded by a FOCUS WV Brownfields grant which is distributed through West Virginia University.
