Arthurdale Resumes Winter Hours November 1
The Arthurdale Museum and Craft Shop begins it Winter Hours on November1 through April 30. Beginning Sunday, November 1, the hours will be Tuesday through Friday from 12 Noon until 4 p.m.
AHI 24th Anniversary Dinner – October 11
Arthurdale Heritage members are invited to attend the annual Arthurdale Heritage, Inc. Anniversary Celebration on October 11, 2009. This year we are celebrating our 24th year as an organization. The presentation of awards and the…
Visit America’s first New Deal Homestead Community on Saturday, Sept. 26
Arthurdale Heritage Offers Free Admission on Smithsonian Magazine’s 5th Annual Museum Day –Museum Day 2009 Poised to be Largest to Date–
Upcoming Events: Farm Stand, Blacksmith Demo, New Deal Lecture
We only have a couple of weeks left in August, but we wanted to make sure you were up-to-date with what we have planned for next month. Visit our Calendar of Events for a glimpse…
Ice Cream Social – August 8
Enjoy a fun day for the family in Arthurdale at the 2009 Ice Cream Social on August 8. Kids games will start at 5:00 p.m. and include a bounce house courtesy of Bolyard Funeral Home….
Kayla Haiskell Receives Second Annual Thomas Davis Scholarship
Kayla Haiskell, of Reedsville, received the second annual Thomas Davis Scholarship at Arthurdale Heritage’s New Deal Festival on July 11th.   The $1,000 award was presented by three of Davis’ granddaughters. Pictured here in the AHI newly…
Enjoy the bounty!
Thru September, the Arthurdale Farmers Market will be open Saturday’s from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. Come and enjoy the bounty of your neighbors and local farmers! Organic vegetables, fruits, home made bread, jam, brown…
2009 New Deal Festival THANKS YOU!
Arthurdale Heritage, Inc. and the New Deal Festival planning committee thanks you for your support of the New Deal Festival. We had a great turn out and hope all of you plan on attending next…