AHI Will be Participating in #GivingTuesdayNow

You may already be familiar with the #GivingTuesday usually held the week after Thanksgiving, which calls for global giving. This is an adjunct event to that, promoted by the same organization in response to the COVID-19 crisis.

Held on May 5th, it will be a day of unity and giving to help with the effects of worldwide shutdowns. AHI will be participating in this event! We have a few fun things planned for the day, so keep an eye on our Facebook for updates.

Unlike the #GivingTuesday event in December, however, there will be no corporate matches.  This means we need your help even more!  Don’t forget to also spread the word – the more people who participate, the better.  Make sure to use the hashtag #GivingTuesdayNow with the capital letters on posts so others can see how we are participating.  Mark your calendars and join us on May 5th!

Add it to your calendar here.
